Coffee and Donuts. Mmmmmmm. Copyright CareerBreakSecrets.com
On my recent trip to Canada, I couldn’t help but stop off (um, a few times) at Tim Horton’s, THE Canadian doughnut joint. The have the location-pervasiveness of Starbucks in the US with the nutritional goodness of your neighborhood doughnut shop. To make sure I got the story, I was forced to try several types of doughnuts and other things on the menu. Keep in mind, people, I was in Canada for 2 weeks:
- Coffee
- Hot breakfast sandwich with sausage
- Apple fritter
- Honey dipped donuts
- Old fashioned glazed
- Sour cream glazed
- Blueberry
- Honey cruller
Did I mention this was over a 2 week period???
And, the Best Tim Horton’s Donut Is…

Honey crullers were dripping with glaze and still warm. Copyright CareerBreakSecrets.com
By far, the honey cruller was my favorite. Honestly, I wasn’t a big fan of many of the donuts. I thought they were OK. The breakfast sandwich was pretty good. But, I won’t go against Canadian tastes. These stores are packed! It’s been a while since I’ve seen that many people wait for donuts. But, back to the crullers.
On my way out of Canada at the Toronto airport, I stopped by the Tim Horton’s for one last sample. I had had the crullers once before and really liked them. So, I thought I would give them one more go (I had to make sure the quality was consistent across stores). I got crullers that were still warm, the glaze was running off of them. And, that’s where these pictures were taken. Crispy on the outside and they literally melted in my mouth. I had to go to the bathroom to wipe the glaze that dribbled on my face.
So, on your next trip to Canada, if you can’t resist a trip to Tim Horton’s, go straight for the Honey Crullers. Yum!
Tags: Canada travel