Posts Tagged ‘career break advice’
Who’s Out There Now? Jess and Dany
Written By: jeff
Posted On: October 19th, 2010

In this week´s ¨Who’s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Jess and Dany, who are traveling the Americas and documenting it all on In addition to some standard blogger fare on their site, it has some unique categories like information on their ¨Travel Mishaps¨, ¨Housesitting¨ and ¨LGBT¨. It will be fun following [...]
Who’s Out There Now? Ant & Elise
Written By: jeff
Posted On: September 28th, 2010

In this week´s ¨Who´s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Anthony (Ant) and Elise, who are traveling the world and documenting it all on As a teacher (Elise) and chef (Ant), they are diving head first into the world´s cultures…all without a guidebook. One of the aspects about their blog that [...]
Who’s Out There Now? Ryan and Jen
Written By: jeff
Posted On: August 24th, 2010

In this week’s ¨Who´s Out There Now¨ interview, we bring to you Ryan and Jen from Consulting Rehab. As the name implies, this couple is recovering after a professional life the best way I know how: travel. Earlier this year, they left behind their careers, sold their house and moved down to Buenos Aires. Oh, [...]
Who’s Out There Now: Family on Bikes
Written By: jeff
Posted On: August 10th, 2010

In this week´s ¨Who´s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you John, Nancy, Daryl and Davy, or as they are more popularly known, the Family On Bikes. Many of us traveling the world like to think that our journeys are epic and inspirational. But, in the case of the Vogel family, it really [...]
Who’s Out There Now: Jaime and Martin
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 7th, 2010

In this week’s ¨Who’s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Jaime and Martin, who are traveling the world and blogging about it the SeatOfOurPants. They´ve been traveling on their current trip since April 2009. They´ve spent the past year covering great swaths of Asia: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Nepal and many others. They [...]
Who’s Out There Now? Felicity & Marco
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 31st, 2010

In this week’s ¨Who’s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Felicity and Marco, who are known as the Thinking Nomads. After a career break in 2006 that took them to 30 countries on 5 continents in over 11 months, Felicity and Marco have continued feeding their desire to travel and see the [...]
Who’s Out There Now? Simon & Erin
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 24th, 2010

In this week’s ¨Who’s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Simon and Erin, who are on what they call their Never Ending Voyage. After a career break in 2008 that took them through Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, Australia and the US, they found that being back home in UK was too constraining. [...]
Who’s Out There Now? Amar
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 17th, 2010

In this week’s ¨Who’s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Amar, who is the mastermind behind This career breaker have been out traveling since September 2009 and has so far been through many parts of South East Asia like Indonesia, Laos and Thailand, currently can be found in Australia and then will [...]
Who’s Out There Now? Jason & Aracely
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 10th, 2010

In our first ¨Who´s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Jason and Aracely, who are also known online as Two Backpackers. These career breakers have been out traveling since August 2009 and have so far been through Central America, currently can be found in South America and are heading back to the United States to explore the huge country they never did.