Posts Tagged ‘career break travel’
Driving Through Torres Del Paine
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 19th, 2011

I slept in Friday morning needing some extra hours after the boat trip where I slept OK, but not great. Arris had a car he rented in Argentina and Eva, Linda, Zoe and I decided to go with him to drive through the Torres Del Paine park. We headed out of Puerto Natales in the [...]
Career Break Or…Ordering Office Supplies
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 15th, 2011
Honestly, I’m a bit of an office supply nerd. That’s probably a cry for help or a definitive sign that I needed a career break. Anyhoo. If you’re going to be on the search for something special, why not spend your time in the fresh markets in Spain. Enjoying Spanish cuisine doesn’t have to be [...]
Career Break Or…Birthday Cake in the Conference Room
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 25th, 2011
Mmmmm. Fresh hot churros with warm, melted chocolate. Copyright fred_v ¨Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!¨ Office birthdays are always a mixed bag. On the surface it’s a happy occasion. Cake, singing, maybe even punch. And, let’s not forget the 15-20 minute break you get from work. Thought of that way, it’s a [...]
Cruising Through the Patagonian Islands and Fjords
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 22nd, 2011

I arrived in the city of Puerto Montt on Monday morning to begin my 5 week adventure through Chile (and, time permitting, a little of Bolivia). I headed straight for the dock where I would leave on my cruise to check in with Navimag. I handed in my backpack and had 4 hours to walk [...]
Traveling Without a Cell Phone: Alternatives to Staying in Touch
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 19th, 2011
In my previous posts, I told you why you need to ditch your cell phone carrier, how to get an unlocked cell phone, and compared the costs for you to show you how much you can save. Of course, all that assumed that you will be traveling with a cell phone. But, if you want [...]
Career Break Or…Breakfast Meeting
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 18th, 2011
Just when things start calming down, BOOM, another fire drill hits. Because this issue is ¨critical¨ and ¨we have to get on it right away¨, your boss calls for a breakfast meeting. The only saving grace is that there’s probably going to be coffee and maybe breakfast will be brought in (Please be breakfast tacos. [...]
The Highs and Lows of Santiago
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 15th, 2011

I arrived in Santiago on December 28 and stayed through January. My plan was simple: take some time in the gym to continue on the weight loss path I had been on since September in Buenos Aires and take a photography course to improve my photography skills. Further, I arrived to a small group of [...]
The Dollars and ¨Sense¨ of Traveling With an Unlocked Cell Phone
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 12th, 2011
Sometimes our need for convenience, for things to ¨just be easy¨ winds up screwing us. Such is the case with international cell phone service. It starts with the belief that the only place to get a cell phone is at the service provider’s store. And, the only way to buy service is to pre-pay for [...]
Career Break Or…Trust Falls
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 11th, 2011
Team building and trust within your work team are an important success factor in the working world. But, so often, those relationships fray. In-fighting, back-biting, sabotage and two-faced communications take over as people jockey for position to show that they are the top-dog with their boss. When things get really bad, your boss may decide [...]
Playing with Penguins and Whales (Almost)
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 8th, 2011

I arrived in Puerto Madryn late on December 22. After checking in, I got online and had a quick chat with mom, dad and my friends Tim and Robin who were up in Fredericksburg for some of dad’s BBQ. I got up on the 23rd and headed into town to check into tours and to [...]